Now you can donate to LGB Alliance Canada!
Help us protect the rights of same-sex attracted Canadians.
We need your help to continue our work. We are a grassroots organization that relies on donations from supporters like you. Your generous contribution will enable us to:
Engage in respectful dialogue and share science- and fact-based information with the media, elected representatives, and the public.
Support LGB people who face discrimination, harassment, or violence for asserting their same-sex attraction.
Educate and empower LGB youth to embrace their sexual orientation and resist conversion therapy and coercion.
Collaborate with other LGB organizations around the world to promote the rights and dignity of same-sex attracted people.
Please consider making a donation today. You can donate online at our website here.
Thank you for your support. Together, we can make a difference for LGB Canadians.
Your friends at LGB Alliance Canada